Help us save the puppy

Help us save the puppy

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Raised (USD)

Days Left: 0
Goal: $2,000

From Neil Hairston

I am raising money to pay for Emergency Vet Bills

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I traveled to Missouri for a conference and when I was checking out of the hotel this little puppy was laying under a bush abandoned. I picked him up and knew instantly something was wrong with him. I rushed him to the vet where he was given a 10% chance to live due to ingesting large amounts of rat poison. He is very sick but the vets are trying to save him. We are asking for donations to help pay for his care he is making small positive strides to getting better he was transferred from one hospital to a 24  hour emergency vet for round the clock care.. Any contributions will be appreciated if you can’t contribute please pray for a full recovery for this innocent puppy. We are also looking for a name any suggestions would be appreciated.

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